Aptos is the Home of Next-gen Decentralized Finance.

27 Sep 2023, 14:28
Aptos is the Home of Next-gen Decentralized Finance. ➡️ Thala Labs and the Aptos Foundation are launching a new $1M grant fund, igniting an ecosystem-wide DeFi initiative, with sights already set to scale the grant fund to $5M as protocols launch. ➡️ At up to $250,000 per project in the initial cohort, 5 talented projects will receive comprehensive support, including: grant funding GTM guidance engineering assistance investor introductions and more. DeFi is poised to make sending and receiving money more accessible and equitable—and Aptos was built to tackle the hurdles and risks in its path. 💪 We’ve set the wheels in motion for what promises to be an exciting journey in DeFi. Learn more about the DeFi Grant Fund 👇