Aptos is the Home of Next-gen Decentralized Finance.
27 Sep 2023, 14:28
✨ Aptos is the Home of Next-gen Decentralized Finance. ✨
➡️ Thala Labs and the Aptos Foundation are launching a new $1M grant fund, igniting an ecosystem-wide DeFi initiative, with sights already set to scale the grant fund to $5M as protocols launch.
➡️ At up to $250,000 per project in the initial cohort, 5 talented projects will receive comprehensive support, including:
✅ grant funding
✅ GTM guidance
✅ engineering assistance
✅ investor introductions
✅ and more.
DeFi is poised to make sending and receiving money more accessible and equitable—and Aptos was built to tackle the hurdles and risks in its path. 💪
We’ve set the wheels in motion for what promises to be an exciting journey in DeFi. Learn more about the DeFi Grant Fund 👇